
Parent participation in our school is necessary in order for our home-school partnership to be complete.  As we strive to ensure safety, as well as, preserve instructional time, we ask that parents/visitors not enter classrooms before school, after school, or during the school day without making prior arrangements with the teacher. Unplanned visits, including before and after school, are interruptions which are disruptive to instruction and a violation of security measures. When visiting in the classroom, parents are requested not to engage the teacher in conversation since this takes the attention away from students and the instructional program. Conferences should be scheduled before or after school. Classroom observations must be arranged in advance, and require 24 hour notice.

You are the first and most important teacher your child will ever have.  We invite you to join your child for lunch, or join in for special class functions.  For security during school hours, parents are required to sign in the visitors’ log, obtain a visitors’ badge, and confirm your destination plans. Sign-in will require a state issued identification (photo ID). If a classroom has had a change of daily procedure, a secretary will inform you of the change.