Specialist's Corner
Art - Mrs. Rozycki and Mrs. Bank

As our year winds down to a close, I cannot say enough about our Island Creek artists! Their creativity and willingness to explore new media and techniques is simply “croc-tastic!!” I hope that all find time over the summer to still “create” in one form or another by perhaps keeping a sketchbook, coloring, making a painting, fun with modeling clay, or maybe even visiting an art museum. Art can be found in nature for certain – take a look at the trees and flowers for color and texture and elsewhere too! Have a wonderful summer!
PAC has been exploring butterfly painting using tempera cakes, making texture rubbings (using crayon and texture plates) and they have explored coloring and making ice cream cones out of paper. It is such a privilege to see their joy as they try new things in art.
EAC have made paper fish windsocks, crocodile paper weavings, flower vases, ice cream and popsicle art. They’ve also engaged in “sensory time” sessions using kinetic sand, puzzle building and “free” painting and coloring. We are proud to see their art skills grow!
Kindergarten have been exploring weaving for the first, time making paper crocodiles. Chomp! Chomp! They have been WEAVING, cutting, gluing. In addition, have learned about the primary colors and learned the magic of mixing them to create secondary colors. Check out their mouse color wheels, rainbow umbrellas, “kawaii” ice cream cones and more!
First grade has been learning to sew a running stitch and have been creating a monogram of their first initial. They are very proud of this accomplishment and can’t wait to show you at home. They also did a super job cutting, gluing, drawing, and coloring to create their 3D dream homes, as well as creating line turtles and origami pups and kittens.
2nd grade has been introduced to folk art and have created beautiful multimedia flower vase collages using cardboard, paper, crayon and marker, texture rubbing and popsicle sticks. They also dove under the sea and completed their painted/ cut paper fish and plant collages. Ask them about the fun they had learning about and creating optical art, stitching animal heads and drawing Mr. Tiger.
3rd grade learned to wrap a loom and begin using yarn (fibers) to weave a mini-carpet – they also completed very striking self portraits involving their culture. I’m very proud of their accomplishments and they seem excited, too.
4th grade are working on large pattern weavings with yarn. After a long unit on painting a Virginia region, they were excited for this media change to textiles. They are exploring colors and patterns and having a blast. They are amazing as 4D learned to stitch their monogram as well.
5th grade has learned a bit about the Middle Ages and the art of Illuminated Letter making – it was very time consuming in those days and artists often spent years creating manuscripts with illuminated letters in them. Artists would often use gold and silver and were commissioned by the upper classes. They worked with metal and used wooden tools to create repousse (metal design in relief form) with the first initial of their names. Our 5th graders would have been in high demand with their work.
6th grade did a “sweet” job creating “sweet shoes.” They took on the role of being a shoe designer and were tasked to create a shoe incorporating their favorite sweet treat involving a bit of technical drawing and use of colored pencils. They are currently creating yarn weaving samplers with the option of incorporating their initial into their design. These students will be missed as they work to complete their journey at Island Creek. May they continue to be creative in middle school!
Physical Education - Ms. Barber and Mr. Magagnoli

All students pre-k through 6th grade have been working on their foot skills and preparing for field day. Classes have been going over our 4th quarter health information that is about personal safety and helpful tips to remember for the summer. We are very excited to finish our year with our outdoor recreation unit where we will play different team games, individual games, yard games, scooter races, and parachute fun!
Band and Strings - Mrs. Hicks and Ms. Creque
WOW!! Congratulations to all Band and Strings students for performing an outstanding Spring Concert!! They were amazing!!
As we continue classes for the next week, please make sure you turn in any school rented instruments during your class time.