
Forms authorizing the school to administer medication are available in the school office or online. With a physician’s and parent or guardian’s signature, prescription and over-the-counter medication may be stored in the clinic and given as prescribed throughout the school year.

Over-the-counter pain relievers for muscle aches, menstral pain, orthodotics and headaches may be stored in the clinic and administered at school with a parent or guardian’s signature. Any other over-the-counter medications may be given for up to ten consecutive school days with the parent or guardian’s signature. Beyond ten days, a physician’s signature is required.

Students may take some over-the-counter medications at school, including throat lozenges and nasal spray, under strict adult supervision and in accordance with School Board Regulation 2102.10.

Medication Guidelines

  • Parents and guardians must transport medications to and from the school. With parent or guardian approval, a high school student may carry an over-the-counter medication to and from the school clinic.

  • Your child must have the first dose of any new medication at home.

  • A parent or guardian must personally collect any unused portion of the medication. Medications not claimed will be destroyed.

  • A parent or guardian is responsible for submitting a new form to the school each time the dosage or the time at which the medication is to be taken is changed.

Any questions about the medication policy should be directed to the clinic room aide at 571-642-6310.

Additional Health Information(link is external)

Epinephrine Authorization(link is external) (SS/SE-64)

Medication Authorization(link is external) (SS/SE-63)

Inhaler Authorization(link is external) (SS/SE-65)