New Student Registration
Kindergarten and New Student Registration Information
Welcome to Island Creek Elementary School!
We're excited to welcome our newest Crocs!
We are a school in Fairfax County, Virginia. To join us, first determine if your student lives in the Island Creek ES boundary by viewing the FCPS boundary locator. If your student does live in the Island Creek ES boundary, please fill out the new student registration intake form below. Your form will be submitted to our school Student Information Assistant, S. Bickerstaff, who will be able to assist you with the registration process.
This Form should be completed for new students registering at Island Creek
Starting the Process Online
Please start the registration process today at the new student online registration website.
Completing the Process at the School
When you are ready to come to the school to complete your registration paperwork, contact S. Bickerstaff, our Student Information Assistant, by email at [email protected] or by phone at 571-642-6304.
You will need to have the following items.
- Original birth certificate: If a birth certificate is not available, the FCPS affidavit with substantiating documentation is required.
- Affidavit forms may be obtained at the school.
- Proof of residency: A current, fully-executed lease (signed by both the landlord/management company and tenant) or deed/closing documents to the home are required. If you are sharing a residence, you must complete and have notarized two FCPS residency affidavit forms and provide the necessary documentation at registration.
- School records: (an informal copy is acceptable). We will request official records from your child’s previous school after the registration is completed. You can request to have the student’s former school mail (7855 Morning View Ln, Alexandria, VA 22315) or fax the records to us at 571-642-6397.
- Immunization Records and Health Physical: To ensure the vaccinations are in compliance with Virginia’s requirements, review your medical records. The student cannot be enrolled unless vaccinations are in compliance. (FCPS Regulation 2101.18). Please bring a copy of the school physical conducted by your family doctor. FCPS Policies, Regulations & Notices
- Special Education Records: such as IEP, if applicable. Please inform our Student Information Assistant if your child has an IEP when scheduling your appointment.
Please make sure you have all documentation completed before your appointment.
New Student Registration Forms
As you go through the registration process, our school Student Information Assistant is available and ready to help answer your questions and assist you.
Kindergarten Forms
- View the forms required for enrolling a student in FCPS.
- View and complete the forms enrollment bundle of FCPS registration forms.
- This form bundle allows you to enter data once and to have it appear in multiple locations.
- View and complete the Pre-Kindergarten experience form.
- View and complete the FCPS minimum immunization requirements.
- View and complete the forms enrollment bundle of FCPS registration forms.
Visit the FCPS kindergarten registration page to learn more. This page has videos as well as the five-step process for enrolling a new student.
First through Sixth Grade Forms
- View the forms required for enrolling a student in FCPS.
- View and complete the forms enrollment bundle of FCPS registration forms.
- This form bundle allows you to enter data once and to have it appear in multiple locations.
- View and complete the FCPS minimum immunization requirements.
- View and complete the forms enrollment bundle of FCPS registration forms.
Visit the FCPS registration page to learn more. This page has videos as well as the five-step process for enrolling a new student.
Additional Resources
Registering a Student Whose Home Language Is Other Than or In Addition to English
Student families wishing to register a student with a home language other than or in addition to English should please contact the FCPS Student Registration Welcome Center. Here professionals may assess your student's English language skill and/or educational level. These assessments can provide valuable information to the local school and support your child's instructional needs.
- Learn more by visiting the FCPS Student Registration Welcome Center webpage.
Special Registration Situations
Special registration situations can include nonparent registrations, situations involving divorced or separated parents, homelessness, foster care, and foreign exchange students.
- Learn more by visiting the FCPS Special Registration Situations webpage.
Military Family Registration
FCPS welcomes responsive and collaborative communication and partnerships with the parents/guardians and families of our students.
- Learn more by visiting the FCPS Military Registration webpage.
Support for Military Families
- The FCPS Military Families webpage provides information for military families including guidance for the arrival or departure from Fairfax County and resources for military families.
- To help make your transition easier, the Department of Defense provides School Liaison Officers who serve as the primary point of contact for PreK – 12th grade school-related matters. School Liaison Officers offer an array of services and resources to support students, parents, installation leadership, schools, and the surrounding community. They inform parents about local schools, graduation requirements, afterschool programs, homeschooling and much more. School Liaison Officers are located at each installation to help address common education challenges of military families. Contact a Fort Belvoir School Liaison for assistance or use the Military Installation School Liaison Contacts webpage to find a School Liaison Officer in other communities.
- The Military and Family Life Counseling Program supports service members, their families, and survivors with non-medical counseling worldwide. Ms. LaMaya Middleton is the Child and Youth Military and Family Life Counselor (MFLC) at Island Creek Elementary. Her focus is to provide confidential, short-term, situational problem-solving counseling services to our military-connected students and their families. You can contact Ms. Middleton at [email protected].
- Registration information for military families.
New Family Checklist
- Visit our new student registration page.
- View the Island Creek parent handbook.
- Learn more about the Fairfax County Public School System (FCPS) by visiting the FCPS website.
- Stay up to date with what’s happening at Island Creek and FCPS with News You Choose. Under the Elementary School section, select Island Creek Elementary to receive news and announcements from the school or information from the Island Creek Parent Teacher Association (PTA).
- Sign up for a Student Information System (SIS) Parent Account to gain access to view your child’s student information, including Emergency Care Information, attendance, report cards, class schedules, course history, discipline, health, and school information.
- After establishing a Student Information System (SIS) Parent Account account, use the same login and password to login into your Schoology Parent Account. Your account provides access to view your child’s courses, groups, assignments, and calendar. Parents can also check messages, adjust their notification settings, and access additional groups or courses if they are enrolled as members. Access the Schoology page for more information.
- Read about transportation procedures at Island Creek Elementary This includes kiss and ride procedures, information for walkers, information for riding buses, and other safety tips.
- Learn about the Island Creek academic and behavioral incentive program, Crocs’ Creed and Croc Stocks.
- Become familiar with standards-based elementary progress reporting to help understand your child’s quarterly progress reports.
- Check out the FCPS inclement weather procedures and review the school’s delayed opening/early closing bell schedule.
- Consider joining the Island Creek PTA.
- Visit the FCPS family engagement page for programs and resources available for FCPS families to help support student achievement
- View the Parent Advocacy Handbook Grades K-6.
- Additional Resources